Welcome to our annual MORE Women’s Conference hosted by Culture City Church.
This years theme is ARISE... Girl GET UP!
We are expecting a powerful move of God. I truly believe He has placed this year’s theme on my heart. No matter the season you're in, it's time to put on your shoes and prepare for the next step in your journey.
Let me ask you, metaphorically, what shoes are you wearing? Are they from the past, present, or future? Maybe slippers, because you want to stay comfortable? Sneakers, because you're running toward Christ—or perhaps away from the calling He’s placed on your life? Or are you wearing boots, fighting through this season? Maybe you're in heels, walking by faith with confidence, knowing who you are in Christ. What shoes will you choose?
Shake yourself from the dust o and arise; be seated, O Jerusalem; loose the bonds from your neck O captive daughter of Zion.
Isaiah 52:2
Conference Schedule
5:00 PM Doors Open / Registration Check-In
6:00 PM Dinner (Complimentary)
7:15 PM General Session - Pastor Delia Arroyo
7:30 AM Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM Worship
9:20 AM General Session / Ester Munoz
10:10 AM Breakout Sessions
Workshop #1 - Wanda Suttles
Workshop #2 - Lorna Suttles
11:00 AM General Session Part 1 / Vanessa Cruz
12:15 PM Lunch (Complimentary)
1:45 PM Breakout Sessions
Workshop #1 - Wanda Suttles
Workshop #2 - Lorna Suttles
2:40 PM General Session Part 2 / Vanessa Cruz
4:00 PM Dinner Break (On your own)
5:30 PM Doors Open
7:00 PM Pre-Show
7:30 PM Worship & Creative Element
8:25 PM General Session / Maddie Rey
7:30 AM Continental Breakfast
9:00 AM Worship
9:20 AM Breakout Sessions
Workshop #1 - Esther Munoz & Chiqui Torres
Workshop #2 - Wanda & Lorna Suttles
11:00 AM "MORE Talk" - Panel Session
12:30 PM Lunch (Complimentary)
2:20 PM Special Music
2:40 PM General Session / Maddie Rey
Workshop #1 - Pastor Chiqui Torres
Workshop #2 - Pastor Wanda Suttles
3:30 PM Soul Therapy
4:30 PM Conference Ends
Conference Speakers
(Click their picture to get to know our speakers)
The Remedy Counseling Practice
New Life Covenant Church
Grace City Church
Maddie Rey Ministries
New Life Covenant Church
Grace City Church
New Life Covenant Church